192x192 - Unlike muradin, sonya or even anub'arak, she has amazing survivability and crowd control but sacrifices mobility for it.
Original Resolution: 192x192 Johanna Build Guide Heroes Of The Storm Hotslogs Com I actually like this one, looks like an older johanna after she's seen some shit. 1200x921 - Unlike muradin, sonya or even anub'arak, she has amazing survivability and crowd control but sacrifices mobility for it.
Original Resolution: 1200x921 Hero Discussion Johanna Heroesofthestorm Within these pages, you will find. 75x75 - Current johanna meta is to enhance her staying power and disruption potential while providing some passive threat to encourage the enemy team to waste time attacking her.
Original Resolution: 75x75 Johanna Build Guide Heroes Of The Storm Hotslogs Com Talent builds, playstyle, matchups welcome to our guide for johanna, a tank in heroes of the storm. 590x332 - Our newest guide for johanna covers all of her abilities, her main talent build + tips and tricks for ranked and unranked game play.
Original Resolution: 590x332 Heroes Of The Storm Guide Builds Roles And Who To Pick Pcgamesn Johanna gameplay build heroes fr facebook karma : 760x475 - Johanna, the crusader of zakarum, is a melee tank hero from the diablo universe.
Original Resolution: 760x475 Constructive Criticism On Cassia Rework And Suggested Talent Build By 1 Ranked Cassia Na Heroes Of The Storm Games Guide There have been many women who have borne the name johanna in service of the crusade, and each has given her life to purify her faith. 75x75 - Voici l'ensemble des builds johanna créés par la communauté heroes of the storm, n'hésitez pas à participer vous aussi en créant votre propre build, en votant pour ceux qui vous plaisent ou déplaisent.
Original Resolution: 75x75 Johanna Build Guide Heroes Of The Storm Hotslogs Com The best site dedicated to analyzing heroes of the storm replay files. 200x200 - Our newest guide for johanna covers all of her abilities, her main talent build + tips and tricks for ranked and unranked game play.
Original Resolution: 200x200 Johanna Build Guide The Crusade Marches On Heroes Of The Storm Icy Veins Current johanna meta is to enhance her staying power and disruption potential while providing some passive threat to encourage the enemy team to waste time attacking her. 200x200 - We were not given any of the existing data or user we're a small group of volunteers working to restore and improve hotslogs.
Original Resolution: 200x200 Zarya Build Guide Are You In Need Of Personal Training Heroes Of The Storm Icy Veins After 1 sec, johanna pulls nearby enemies toward her, stunning them for 0.25 sec and dealing 57 damage. 75x75 - Written by medievaldragon on july 26, 2015.
Original Resolution: 75x75 Johanna Build Guide Heroes Of The Storm Hotslogs Com Unlike muradin, sonya or even anub'arak, she has amazing survivability and crowd control but sacrifices mobility for it. 400x142 - Welcome to reddit, the front page of the internet.
Original Resolution: 400x142 Hots Builds Not Paradox Johanna was one of my favorites. 1920x1080 - We've examined more than than 125,000,000 games!.
Original Resolution: 1920x1080 Cassia Guide How I Climbed From Gold To Masters In One Season Heroesofthestorm Unlike muradin, sonya or even anub'arak, she has amazing survivability and crowd control but sacrifices mobility for it.